Sometimes we build fancy features or hundred-product ecommerce setups, and those sites can be fantastically interesting and challenging to bring to life. Other days, though, we do something that’s simple, fast, and budget-friendly, especially when we’re working with solopreneurs or nonprofits. Today’s launch announcement is an unusual one for us, albeit not our first political candidate: A fellow Canterburian, Ellen Scarponi, is running for NH State Representative for Canterbury and Loudon, and wanted a basic website to function as a larger digital brochure for her campaign. We also (with the always appreciated design experience of Bradstreet Englert Creative) designed handouts and road signs for Ellen and Ruth Heath, another fellow local who is running alongside Ellen.

We love when folks send us examples of print projects we’ve had a hand in, but Ellen went above and beyond and included this lovely little watercolor by Fred Brewster.

I was pretty excited to spot these road signs on my way to the Canterbury Fair last weekend, and I’m afraid you’ll have to excuse the streakiness of my phone’s lens.
So without further ado, I’d like to announce the launch of Ellen Scarponi’s State Rep campaign site! While you might not be able to vote for Ellen and Ruth (Not everyone is cool enough to live in Canterbury or Loudon, after all!), you should still absolutely go vote in your local elections on November 8, as well as the primaries. Here those primaries are September 13, but your local elections might be different, so be sure to get informed and go vote!
And if YOU are considering a run for office, consider hasOptimization for your print and website needs! We’d love to help a more diverse group of people get into office.
Dear Logan,
What a wonderful way to announce my beautiful, and effective, website!
Thank you for your great work!
You’re welcome! You’ve been great to work with and I’m glad we could put this together for you on such a tight timeline.