If you manage a single page or a small handful of pages on Facebook, you may have noticed something has gone missing the past few weeks. We’re here to help solve the mystery of the missing post scheduler on Facebook.

First, let’s talk about what post scheduling is and where we used to be able to find it.

What is post scheduling?

Post scheduling, simply put, is the ability to schedule posts to publish at a later date. This is built into Facebook Pages by default, and usually can be accessed through the Facebook Page area when you go to draft a post. In the past, it’s been in a list under “News Feed” that allows you to publish it later… Up to three months later.

The post scheduler on Facebook

Unfortunately, this seems to have gone missing for individually managed pages.

How can I schedule my posts now?

Before you run off and make an angry post about Facebook removing things that are helpful to you, Facebook simply moved the tool from its old spot. You can now only publish for now, backdate, or save draft (most of the time saving draft doesn’t work either, but that’s another discussion). It’s now in a less convenient spot sitting under “Publishing Tools“. Publishing Tools is accessible on the top white bar of your page, sometimes nested under “More”. Once you’re there, you can hit the blue “Create” button to create and schedule a post as usual.

Facebook Publishing Tools

Additionally, Facebook has also made it so you can use yet another app of theirs to schedule content. This app is called “Creator Studio”. Yes, we know… Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Pages Manager, Creator Studio and… How many more apps?

What about business manager?

Pages managed through Business Manager have, well, business as usual. Post scheduling still exists in the same spot but also in publishing tools. It seems Business Manager was also hit with this change.

This change also does not affect social posting tools like Buffer or Zoho. Those use Facebook’s API to make posts rather than relying on the interface, so never fear if you’re using any of those.

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2 responses to “Where did Facebook post scheduling go?”

  1. Susie Gest says:

    I can’t figure out how to delete a video about a friends kids that keeps showing up on my profile page? I have read to go to publishing page but i can’t find that either?

    • Aimee Cozza says:

      Hi Susie,

      Only the owner of the post can actually delete it. If you didn’t post the video, you wouldn’t be able to delete it. You can tell Facebook to remove it from your timeline so other people don’t see it, but that’s really it.