hasOptimization is pleased to announce that we’ve hired an Online Marketing Manager. His name is Andrew Pezzuto, and you can learn more about him here, on our new staff page!
Andrew is a snappy content writer, a baseball fanatic, and likes to crank dubstep in the hasOptimization offices while he’s working. And we’re okay with that!
If a working environment with a constant supply of snacks, permission to kick your shoes off while working, electronica on Pandora most of the day, and a super flexible schedule with work-from-home permission sounds up your alley (oh, and you have to have SKILLZ, in marketing, writing, design or development!) please feel free to send your resume in at any time. We aren’t actively looking for new staff at the time of this writing, but we’re always keeping an eye open for the next member of our expanding team.
It’s been a wild and wonderful first quarter here at hasOptimization, and we’re very pleased to have Andrew on board. It’s meant a slow period for blogging but we’re getting back on track. Maybe next post will be a guest post by Andrew! (hint, hint, Andrew!)