At hasOptimization, we believe in giving back. Whether that giving back is through monetary donations, local fundraising, local acts of charity, donations of time, effort, and skill, or otherwise, we often give back in big ways. Here’s just a few ways we give back to our communities and work towards improving our society as a whole:
Quarterly Fundraising & Monetary Donations
hasOptimization makes quarterly monetary donations and occasional fundraising on social media for causes. For each dollar an employee donates, hasOptimization matches that donation. Some causes we’ve donated towards:
Q1 2022: January
hasOptimization chose to support animals in Q1 of 2022. We made donations to ARL of NH, MSPCA, Dakin Humane Society, and Pet Refuge, as well as fundraised on social media, raising additional funds for these worthy pet refuges and shelters!

Q2 2022: March
hasOptimization chose to make donations towards the heartbreaking war in Ukraine. Donations were made to support war relief efforts for displaced families as we stand with Ukraine. Donations were made to UNHCR and United Help Ukraine.

Q3 2022: June
With a major disruption in the potential for reproductive healthcare occurring in Q3 of 2022, hasOptimization chose to donate to support reproductive access. Donations were made to PPNNE and ReproFund.

Q4 2022: December
In conjunction with client Crown Dental, hasOptimization pooled together our money and resources to make a donation of requested items to Family Promise of Southern New Hampshire.

Community Support
In addition to monetary donations, our team members regularly participate in activities to help improve our community. Here are just a few projects our team members have been involved in:
Community Mutual Aid
Account manager Remy focuses on community mutual aid efforts, including providing pet care, making meals, and other assistance to local community members. They also donate regularly to organizations which provide similar assistance on a larger scale. Because of Remy’s interests in food and cooking, one of their favorite charitable organizations is The Okra Project, which brings free meals to Black Trans people.
CASA Guardian
Since 2018, hasOptimization’s owner Logan has been a volunteer guardian ad litem with CASA of NH. They support and advocate for children whose families are involved in an abuse or neglect case, by meeting with them, interacting with social workers and other members of a case team, and presenting reports in court hearings.