
Does your company need training?

Does your company need training in online marketing, website management, social media or other aspects of your business’ online presence? hasOptimization can help. We offer training in the following subjects, either in person or over webinar:

  • WordPress content management
  • WordPress front end development
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Social Media for businesses
  • Adwords advertising management
  • Google Analytics for website data analysis
    …and more.

We offer standard online marketing classes via webinar or in-person, or customized-to-your needs classes for your company at your location. Our training clients include J. Jill, Fiskars, Transitions lenses, JobLeadsByPhone, Dress Barn, and more.

Travel: We will travel anywhere in the world to teach your company the skills you need to succeed. Ask for a quote for an online marketing class at your location!

Webinar: We will happily teach any online marketing subject over Google Hangouts or your preferred screen-share service.

Currently Available Courses


Don’t see the course you want listed? We may have courses planned that are not yet online, or we can create a class just for you! Contact us to learn more.

Our clients call us “brilliant”, “knowledgeable” and “super helpful”

“Holly was amazing at breaking down each piece into bite-size chunks that were easy to grasp. The group was quite impressed with her skill set and were able take away valuable tips they could use immediately to improve their web sites and enhance their social media presence.”

Interested in discussing your training needs?

Send us a message and we’ll get right back to you!